
RESULTS Technology Announces Championship for Cybersecurity Awareness Month – The World’s Foremost Cybersecurity Initiative

National Cybersecurity Awareness month

IT Provider Joins Ranks of Pro-Cybersecurity Organizations in Yearly Campaign October 7 2024: RESULTS Technology has announced their Championship for Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024. Every October since 2004, companies, government agencies, and more commit to do their part to  educate others on online safety. Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a yearly initiative by Stay Safe Online […]

How to Answer Your Insurance Company’s Questions About Your Bank’s Cybersecurity Profile

Group of five people stand around a laptop sitting on a desk

Are you prepared to tackle your insurance company’s inquiries about your bank’s cybersecurity profile? Cybersecurity isn’t just a technical concern—it’s now a cornerstone of trust and reliability for consumers and vendors. Insurance providers aren’t known for being “warm and fuzzy” and you might feel like they’re trying to trip you up. But don’t worry—this guide […]

Cybersecurity Strategies for Banks: Cost-Effective Solutions That Work

Professionals in cybersecurity for financial institutions work side by side at a desk

Small banks are always walking the tightrope between implementing effective cybersecurity strategies and staying within budget. You want to offer your clients the best protection possible, but you also need to consider the costs associated with implementing and maintaining these strategies. Fortunately, there are several cost-effective cybersecurity solutions for financial institutions that will protect your […]

How to Assess Your Bank’s Incident Response Readiness

Man inputs information into an ATM

Is your bank truly prepared for unexpected incidents? In today’s fast-paced financial world, the stakes are higher than ever. With cyber threats lurking around every corner and the constant demand for seamless operations, banks must be vigilant. How confident are you in your bank’s incident response readiness? Let’s face it—unexpected challenges can arise at any […]

A Bank’s Guide to Open Banking: How to Navigate Data Sharing Safely

Two banking professionals look at a computer and discuss open banking

Open banking might feel like a major threat or shift in the banking industry, but it also presents many opportunities for banks to improve their services and attract new customers. Here is what you need to know to safely navigate data sharing. What Is Open Banking? Open banking is a financial services term that refers […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Clicking Links for Better Email Security

Woman practices email security practices while checking messages

With almost 67% of breaches starting with someone clicking on a link, it’s an important topic for all businesses. But for banks, the risks are even higher. The International Monetary Fund is warning financial institutions to invest in training and technology to prevent multi-million dollar payouts (or billion dollars, like in the Equifax breach of […]

How to Conduct Effective IT Committee Meetings for Your Bank

bank employees in an it committee meeting

IT committee meetings play a vital role in the overall governance of a bank’s IT infrastructure. They provide a platform for discussing strategic IT initiatives, addressing security concerns, and ensuring compliance with regulations. Without effective meetings, a bank’s IT infrastructure may suffer from poor decision-making, lack of accountability, and failure to keep up with rapidly […]

What Examiners Are Looking for in Your Bank Network Policy

examiner reviewing network policy

With new threats come new policies, and a network policy is becoming increasingly important as cyber incidents continue to rise. However, simply having a policy is not enough—it must also meet the standards set by examiners. Examiners are responsible for ensuring that banks comply with regulations and maintain safe and sound practices. They conduct regular […]

How to Thoroughly Test Your Bank’s Disaster Recovery Plan

employees discussing disaster recovery solutions

Testing your bank’s disaster recovery plan is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that ensures your institution is prepared for any eventuality. Here is what you need to know about effectively evaluating and enhancing your disaster recovery solutions, ensuring that your bank can withstand and quickly recover from disruptions. The Vital Importance of […]

How to Implement Multi-Factor Authentication in Your Bank

bank employee using phone for mfa to enhance banking cybersecurity

Banking cybersecurity has metamorphosed from a buzzword into an urgent, non-negotiable aspect of the finance sector. With the recent RockYou2024 attack, which has exposed 10 billion passwords, every business is at risk. To counteract this recent security disaster, banks must institute robust measures—and at the top of the list is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). You’ve Heard […]