Tag Archives: Banking

Social Distancing for Your Network

For years, examiners have pressed banks to incorporate pandemics in their GLBA risk assessment and provide appropriate planning to address a possible pandemic. Until this year, that risk seemed remote. It was difficult to imagine just how strongly a pandemic could affect not only the bank, but the entire community, region, nation, and world. Community […]

RESULTS Technology receives top ranking for its I.T. Support to Community Banks

Kansas managed it award

RESULTS has been named to After Nines Inc.’s ChannelE2E Top 100 Vertical Market MSPs list for 2020. The annual list identifies and honors the top 100 computer support companies in healthcare, legal, government, financial services, manufacturing and additional vertical markets. RESULTS was ranked in the top 100 internationally for its IT support to the banking […]

Does your bank have a Remote Work Plan?

Woman working on her laptop in the park

All banks are required to assess the risk of a pandemic to their business and have a plan to address providing continued service during such an event.  Does your plan include a contingency to allow some employees to work from home? Remote working is becoming easier than ever and is a smart way to prevent […]

Understanding IT Governance

Data security with a lock

  By Mike Gilmore, RESULTS Chief Compliance Officer   Community Banks carry an on-going burden of compliance for information technology (IT). Examiners expect the bank to undergo annual IT audits, penetration tests, policy reviews, and complete comprehensive technology plans, risk assessments and cybersecurity self-assessments all while trying to do the real work of banking in […]