Here’s How the offer works
INVICTA is an advanced cybersecurity tool, made
specifically for Community Banks. For a limited time,
RESULTS is offering this tool free of charge for 3 months,
exclusively to CBA of Kansas members!
The Process:
- Sign up at the CBAK Conference or contact us to let us know you’d like to try INVICTA free for 3 months.
- We will waive the $1050 installation fee and begin scanning your network for vulnerabilities and collecting the data you need for exams.
- After 3 months, if it’s not a fit for you, we’ll simply remove the tool. (you get to keep your reports!)
- Once you decide to keep INVICTA, we’ll ask that you commit to at least a one-year contract.
Quit Worrying About Your IT Exams
IT exams can be stressful. One of the biggest reasons is because IT security and compliance tools are generally made for big banks with big budgets and big IT departments.
Until now. INVICTASM provides big bank protection and compliance tools that are affordable and manageable for most community banks.
Enforces compliance & security policies
Finds the threats that anti-virus can’t
Sends alerts to bank and IT resources
Generates reports for IT exams
What Our Clients Have to Say
“It looks like all the effort RESULTS is
putting into the new INVICTASM monitoring
and vulnerability detection/remediation has
really gone a long way with making the Fed
happy. The Examiner had questions that the
INVICTA system seemed to address.
Without it, I wonder where we would
have been!
Michael Gill
– Assistant VP, Flora Bank & Trust, Flora, Illinois
Our last exam report was the best the bank has
ever had and we are thrilled! The examiner was
so impressed with INVICTASM. He said this was a
“Big-Bank” product!
Peggy Thomas
– COO, Angelina Savings Bank, Lufkin, TX

Frustrated with your IT?
Schedule your consultation with us today and take the first step towards technology that works for YOU.
SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION Call Us: (913) 928-8300