Woman counting money at a bank

Multi-factor authentication for Community Banks

Strengthen the protection of your sensitive, financial and transactional data.

Learn More About MFA Call Us: (877) 435-8877

adopt a zero trust framework

Requiring active authentication at all times is essential to protecting your confidential information. Implementing MFA will help ensure community banks meet federal standards to keep their technology running smoothly and focused on serving their clients.

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a method of verifying a user, application, or device by requiring them to present a number of identifiers. MFA adds a layer of protection to the sign-in process.  MFA, allows users to provide additional identity verification, such as scanning a finger print or providing a code received by phone or email. 


Here’s how Multi-factor authentication will set your community bank up for success:


  • Secures all applications, devices and endpoints across employees and customers

  • Strengthens the protection of your sensitive, financial and transactional data, whether on-premises, in the cloud or hybrid

  • Establishes a secure user identity as a foundation to protect data and improve customer’s trust

  • Addresses FFIEC compliance requirements

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